Image to PDF is a simple and user-friendly method to convert a standard image or photography into a PDF file. This is a freeware tool. Full version, absolutely free!
Main Functions and Tools: Image to PDF is essentially a standard file conversion package. The main difference is that it is specifically intended to export all images as PDF documents. There are several fields that can be modified such as the compression file type as well as the size of the output image. Once the image is selected from a menu on the left-hand side of the screen, the conversion process will begin. Please note that it is also possible to add an entire folder to the conversion queue.
Users that have downloaded this app highlight the following features:
• It offers conversion from many formats.
• Converts almost any photo into a PDF file like other PDF tools online.
• It's available in many languages (German, English, French, Italian, Greek, Japanese).
• It can splice pictures and convert them into PDF files.
• It's completely free and it's very easy to use. Just 2 steps to create your own PDF file.
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